Week 3
Jan 23 2021:
The intake CAD dramatically improved today. The intake elevator added bearing blocks for the pulley shafts. The pulley assemblies were also added to the model. The Agitator assemblies were mounted to the main frame with mirror assemblies created. The extended intake started two separate assemblies to provide an alternative option if our new revision isn't effective.
We conducted testing for an alternative shooting wheel option. The new wheel was compared to our existing shooting wheel using slow motion videos. It was concluded that the heavier wheel would sustain the speed easier and the grips were relatively the same.
The programming team worked through setting up a gyro to create field centric control for the mecanum drive. The students worked with a mentor via Zoom call.
The game design team continued to create their field layout in CAD. They worked on structures that would introduce game pieces. Some of the other game structures were revised for improved functionality.
Jan 25 2021:
The extended intake has been roughly mounted into the full robot assembly. Its intended to extend with a pneumatic cylinder. We've discussed improvements that we intend to make such as changing the orientation of the carrier that rides on the linear rail, and lowering the frame that attaches to the carrier. The intake belting and internal linear guide models have been started but have not been completed yet.
The shooter assembly has revised mounting holes and new guide support plates.
The programming team has started working with the prototype turret to test their code. They have encountered a few mechanical hiccups that has caused a slight delay in their progress. Unfortunately the planetary gearbox was not mounted flush to the surface and caused the teeth on the driving gear to fail. To replace the ABS gear, they started to 3D print the new one, that they should expect to see completed by the start of the day tomorrow.
The frame of the assembly has been painted black as reference for our final aesthetic.
The Game Design team has continued to develop their 3D model, and revised some areas of safety concern after an evaluation from a veteran mentor. They also created a rough game overview that can be seen below.
Jan 26 2021:
Base team removed the hinge assembly from the top layer of the CAD model to simplify the complexity of this years design.
The extended intake mounting frame has been modified to a lower profile and is almost ready for the pneumatic cylinders to be specified and implemented into the model. The intake elevator assembly belting has been added to the CAD model. The bearing blocks have also been modified to allow for just two mounting holes rather than the existing four hole design.
The programming team started working on developing their Limelight vision tracking code. They are fortunate enough to be able to reference last years code to quickly understand the fundamentals of Limelight. They are working on developing limits for the turret motor with feedback from the Limelight.
The game design team has started to develop their game manual into a formal written document from their outline. They have continued to modify the CAD model of the field layout and update minor details.
Jan 28 2021:
Game Design worked on safety barriers & details for their CAD models.
The extended intake model worked on applying hardware & spacers to their model. The intake elevator added belting to the model . The pathway for the belting was laid out to allow for a single motor to drive the main portion of the mechanism.
The bumper assemblies were also updated to include quick latch assemblies to be attached via rivets to the frame. The access for the bumpers was previously a concern due to the amount of clearance between the upper level of the base and the attachment level for the pin.
The programming team completed their limelight vision tracking code. One of the problems they had encountered was a double negative value being output from the logic causing the turret to not correct in the negative direction. After identifying the problem they continued to comment the code to prevent future misinterpretations of the logic for future troubleshooting.