Week 2
Jan 16 2021:
The base resembles one of our leading base design concepts, pending testing results from our prototype base that is to be completed by the end of today.
Our CAD team also broke down into subassembly groups and began to revise our previous mechanisms from last year to improve the designs efficiency for this years challenge. The shooter will be simplified and potentially get some motor upgrades pending further testing.
The extended intake mounting and deployment method is being refined. The intent is to create a mechanism that slides in and out of the robot frame perimeter to bring the balls up and over the bumpers into our ball storage.
We completed our prototype base and have prepared it for the programming team. Todays effort was to complete the mechanical structure and wiring the controls to the base. The programming team can begin working on code starting our next build session on Monday.
Game Design Challenge: Our team started brainstorming theme ideas. We started with approximately 43 initial concepts that we later filtered down to our final 10 ideas. We then posted the remaining 10 ideas in a poll in Slack for our team to vote on their favorite concepts. The concepts that receive the highest number of votes will be used for our game design challenge.
This evening FIRST released a series of videos that were beneficial for our team to review from various suppliers.
Jan 18 2021:
Trained new team member how to use the CNC mill. We covered safety procedures, start up procedure, technical documentation overview, speeds and feeds, and facing a part.
Programming and Mechanical:
Completed the mechanical adjustments for the mecanum base. The programming team tested code from our 2017 robot and updated motor callouts from Talon SRX to Spark Max Speed Controllers because we upgraded our motors from CIMs to NEOs.
Upon successful completion of our code and mechanical efforts we tested the drive base and recorded the results of various pathways and drivers. The time and number of cones were recorded separately to provide an accurate breakdown between drive base and driver ability.
Drive base frame was updated to include gussets for a rivet assembly. The gearbox shafts were adjusted for new mounting positions for the Toughbox Micros.
The CAD models for the shooter and intake assemblies needed to improve on their file structure and naming convention. Since this year, we are just revising the models we, decided to reassemble the models and folder structure to follow our team naming standards.
The Game Design Challenge:
The team vote finalized our game theme. The team continued to work through key field elements that would be incorporated to go along with the theme. Team members began creating CAD models for potential game elements.
Mecanum Drive Test Results 1-18-21

Jan 19 2021:
CAD / Design
We took inventory of our belts and pulleys that we may use as part of the intake system. We are currently reworking various aspects of the intake including the extended intake deployment system, ball processing system, and the agitator mounting points.
The shooter CAD has been receiving updates to its file structure, not much has been changed yet. The shooter guide is potentially being redesigned, to become a static system.
The base CAD worked on mounting points for mechanisms to connect to the top.
Game Design Challenge
We created a Captains Wheel CAD model as a game element. Its meant to be a functional part of our game. We started a rough outline of the game manual, and continued to flush out field layout and placement of elements.
Adjusted the sensitivity of the joystick because the drivers aren't able to control the robot easily. We had an industry mentor stop by our lab to help us troubleshoot the problem.
Drive Team
We've continued testing our drive base to allow our drivers to continue to familiarize themselves with the courses. They worked with the programming team to test code modifications by running the bounce course.
Jan 21 2021:
The shooter's design has been altered to shoot at a closer range. The pneumatic cylinders have been removed from the design because we no longer need to lower the overall height of the robot. The cylinders have been replaced with a static set of support bars.
The base added the controls to the full assembly, and special considerations were taken into account in regards to the access of the controls.
The programming team started working on developing code incorporating the gyro.
The intake team revised the side plates from last years model to accommodate belting and the new mounts for the deployment mechanism. The agitator assembly has also been recreated for this years model and will soon be modified to mount to a static mount.