Week 8
Feb 25 2023:

Feb 27 2023:
We utiilized the laser to outline our parts created in CAD. We translated the files to a DXF file type and transfterred the plate pattern by engraving on the pre-powdercoated material to engrave the parts outline. The palted we created were for our motor mounting plates on the rear end of the arm.
We assembled the arm and attached the assembly to the elevator.
Feb 28 2023:
Our manufactuing team worked on cutting parts for our extended arm. Despite a large manufacturing blunder on our lightweighting pattern we decided to continue to machine the other features to our main robot arm to allow us to mount and troubleshoot the assemblly of our arm.
Our programming team worked on autonomous routines including features such as autobalancing on our charging station using our gyros feedback.
Our mechanical team mounted the arm and we could see the elevator move for the first time. Its "Snappy".

Mar 2 2023: