Week 3
Jan 21 2023:
Jan 21 2023:
The elevator was relocated to the lower base frame.
Base controls were flipped to a typical orientation
Jan 23 2023:
Jan 23 2023:
Refined the extended intake to take up a smaller profile.
Working on an insert for the arm mechanism with bearings similar to our elevator design
The telescoping arm as simplified, but potentially being revised .
Jan 24 2023:
Jan 24 2023:
Extended Intake, Elevator, & Arm Extension CAD Updates
Continuous elevator concept prototype
Programming worked on elevator code with our prototype robot.
Jan 26 2023:
Jan 26 2023:
End Effector CAD update
We calculated our gear ratio to pivot our arm on the elevator
We talked extensively of adding a pivot to the wrist and the base of the arm and eliminating the third extension of our main mechanism.