Woodie Flowers Award
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (WFFA)
The Regional and District Championship Woodie Flowers Awards celebrate effective communication in the art and science of engineering and design. This award is known as the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award. Being selected as a WFFA is a requirement to be eligible for the Championship Woodie Flowers Award.
Spirit of the Award
This award recognizes an individual who has done an outstanding job of motivation through communication while also challenging the students to be clear and succinct in their communications. As such, it is very important that this be a student-led effort and a student decision. One student will act as the nominator. Lead mentors should direct 1 or 2 students to the online entry site and let the high school students decide whom to nominate. Adults can help edit and should check the essay and the submission information for accuracy, but this must be a student-led effort. The author(s) of the 3,000-character (max.) essay must be clearly identified as high school students in the online submission.
Entry Process
A student award submitter can enter their candidate through the FIRST Dashboard. The lead mentor 1 or 2 for each team must assign at least one (1) and up to two (2) student award submitters in the FIRST Dashboard. Check out the Instructions to assign an Awards Submitter if you need assistance. It is suggested that you begin gathering all required information before it is time to submit and type the nomination as a Text Document so that it is easier to edit and check the character limit. When finished, it can be pasted to the on-line submission.
Student nominators must follow the directions listed on the screen. As the student nominator fills out the required information.
Student nominators can easily enter information, save it, and return to the site to edit their entry information until they are ready to submit it for judging. All entries must be submitted between the dates listed in Submission Dates. No entries will be accepted or altered after this date.
Students will go to the website to enter information in the following fields:
Team Number (Auto populated)
Team Name (Auto populated)
School (if affiliated)(Auto populated)
Select an Eligible Mentor
First Name, Last Name (Auto populated)
(Auto populated)Phonetic spelling of mentor name
Position on team (Auto populated)
Email Address (Auto populated)
High School Student Nominator’s information: (Student recommending candidate)
First Name, Last Name (Auto populated)
Adult Reference (Must Select an Eligible Mentor on the team)
Adult Reference (Any FIRST affiliation)
First Name, Last Name
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Upload Pictures (1 required photo of nominee, preferably a headshot, up to (3) three additional photos, all photos no more than 1.0 MB total)
Essay (Character max: 3,000) - Once candidates’ information and essays are submitted, they are sorted and posted on a private, password-protected site where only the Judges can read the entries.
Please Note: By making a submission the Nominator irrevocably grants to FIRST and FIRST designees the right to use any or all the submission in any media for describing the submission, describing the Award, and/or otherwise promoting FIRST and FIRST programs.
2015 Campbell Woodie Flowers Award

Tips for Writing
Use real examples and testimonials from students
Quantitative examples
Community Impact
Championship Woodie Flowers Award (WFA)
The Woodie Flowers Award celebrates effective communication in the art and science of engineering and design. Dr. William Murphy founded this prestigious award in 1996 to recognize mentors who lead, inspire and empower using excellent communication skills. The Woodie Flowers Award (WFA) is presented to one WFFA winner at the FIRST Championship.
The nominee must have received the WFFA during a previous year and be re-nominated by the mentor’s present team this season. The mentor could have received the award while on a different team. Teams having multiple WFFA recipients may only re-nominate one each year.
All Championship eligible WFFAs will receive a congratulatory email from the WFA group.
Award eligibility Requirements
All nominations must be made during the Official on-line WFA/WFFA submission period. Teams nominating a previous year WFFA winner must follow the relevant steps listed previously in the Entry Requirements and Entry Process. Reminder, this is a new “stand alone” submission. The previous essay is not considered.
Judging Criteria
The judging criteria for the Championship Woodie Flowers Award is the same as the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award. However, it is considered a more competitive award since a single recipient is chosen from greater than 200 WFFA winners.